Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Life

I am pregnant!

JUST KIDDING!  I was going to write this post on April Fool's Day but never got around to it.  I figured I'd go ahead and pull my prank anyway.

So, no, I am not pregnant but, yes, there is new life at our house.  We have planted a garden.  Well, really a half a garden at this point, but given that we have two young children to take care of, I'm pretty impressed that we even managed half a garden.

Before we could plant a garden, we had to build one.  Rhys was an excellent helper:

As for the actual planting, we got both kids involved:

Lorelei was in charge of the box of seed packets.

Rhys helped with the actual planting and...

...helped write the identifier stakes.
 The planting itself was a little anti-climatic for Rhys given that nothing happened, but he wasn't too disappointed.  We've got our first pea shoots now and he psyched!

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