Wednesday, April 29, 2015

One (top) tooth wonder

No commentary, just some really cute pictures of our almost-one-year old.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Growing up so fast...

New Life

I am pregnant!

JUST KIDDING!  I was going to write this post on April Fool's Day but never got around to it.  I figured I'd go ahead and pull my prank anyway.

So, no, I am not pregnant but, yes, there is new life at our house.  We have planted a garden.  Well, really a half a garden at this point, but given that we have two young children to take care of, I'm pretty impressed that we even managed half a garden.

Before we could plant a garden, we had to build one.  Rhys was an excellent helper:

As for the actual planting, we got both kids involved:

Lorelei was in charge of the box of seed packets.

Rhys helped with the actual planting and...

...helped write the identifier stakes.
 The planting itself was a little anti-climatic for Rhys given that nothing happened, but he wasn't too disappointed.  We've got our first pea shoots now and he psyched!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

We're In!

Rhys was accepted into our first-choice preschool.  Yeah!  It's a Montessori philosophy school and is less than 1/2 mile from our house.  We think it's going to be great for him.  He'll start with their summer camp program in July, attending each day from 1 to 4, and then will start the school year in September, also attending each day from 1 to 4.

The timing, of course, means no more naps for Rhys which is a little hard for me, the sleep sergeant, to take.  But I think he's ready as we often have days now where his "nap" is 45 minutes of him asking "is it time to get up now?" every 5 minutes.