Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mr. Independent

Rhys' language skills continue to explode.  It is an awesome process to witness.  It would be even more awesome if his favorite phrase wasn't "no, no, no, no, no!"  Seriously, this kid's independence and assertiveness have reached new levels and boy can it get frustrating.

Parenting has improved my patience by leaps and bounds, but I still have work to do...and Rhys is doing everything he can to help me.  Getting him to do things, from putting on his socks and shoes to walking the direction I ask, takes a ridiculous amount of coaxing which, frankly, gets really annoying.  What's worse, though, is if we make the mistake of doing something that he wants to do.  He wants to do EVERYTHING we do - making coffee, cooking dinner, vacuuming, etc. - and if we do it without letting him help?  Lord help us.  The other morning he sobbed for 20 minutes straight because we got started on the coffee and smoothies without him.  Sometimes when we ask if he wants to help with something he says "no."  Forgetting that we are dealing with an irrational two year-old we foolishly move forward without him and, again, Lord help us.  Of course he didn't actually mean "no" he just said it because it's his favorite word!

One of his favorite tasks of late is peeling oranges.  We've had lots of satsumas around lately and boy does he love them.  So, though I find his independence exceedingly annoying and frustrating at times, I am proud enough of it to take a two minute video of him peeling a freakin' orange.  Enjoy!  (Don't worry, I edited it down to 60 seconds).

P.S. "See Rhys" means show me the picture or video of me that you're taking.  In addition to being very independent, he's rather narcissistic as well.  And, yes, he always speaks in the third person. 

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