Sunday, September 29, 2013


Brian and I don't buy Rhys toys very often.  He loses interest in things so quickly that it just seems like a waste.  We're hopeful that someday he'll actually entertain himself with his toys, at which point we'll probably buy him whatever he wants, but right now all he wants to do is be with us doing whatever we're doing.  A perfect example...we have a little hand vac that we use to dust up crumbs, cat hair, etc. and whenever I pull it out, Rhys wants it immediately.  Until recently, he wasn't strong or coordinated enough to manage it.  Now, though, he can work the thing, so I let him go to town.  Why buy your a kid a toy when you can get him to vacuum for you?!?

All that being said, we did recently buy him a football.  It was actually just a placeholder until we could find him a right-sized basketball but he really took to it.  The best (funniest) part for us is that he can't quite say "foot" so his pronunciation of it is "poop. ball."  (He tends to pronounce two syllable words as if they are two different words).     

Cool action series, huh?  I'd like to take credit for it, but really it was just me doing the typical thing when trying to get a picture...hiding the phone, then begging for a smile, then chasing after him, etc.  Good times! 

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