Monday, November 12, 2012


It's been far too long since I posted.  All the usual excuses apply...busy, tired, work, etc.  However, a new excuse is this...Rhys loves tech so every time Brian pulls out his phone to take a picture or video Rhys turns all of his attention to it, stops doing whatever cute thing he was doing and starts whining that we won't give him the phone.  Tonight, though, we had no choice but to just make it work because our boy is WALKING!  He has taken a tentative step or two over the last week and now he is stringing 4 or 5 steps together.  Yes, it usually ends with him falling into something, but it's still walking.

Here's a video.  It's weird and chaotic and sideways because we had to hide the phone from Rhys while convincing him to walk.  And, yes, it's a beer bottle that we're using to entice him to walk to us.  No, we're not parents of the year.

This next video we were able to capture right-side up and in focus because Rhys was focused on Elliott.  The cats are his second favorite thing after any Apple product.  I think Brian and I rank a distant third. 

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