Monday, June 22, 2015

Walking Fool

Walking has definitely clicked for Lorelei.  We took our first outdoor walk this weekend and she rocked it.  We went quite a long way; here's a short clip:

Rhys loved not being the slowest one.  He did a great job of saying to Lorelei all the things I usually say to him "come on", "keep moving", "drink some water", "we're almost there."

I love this stage of walking because it's kind of like being around a perpetually drunk person stumbling around.  Pretty damn funny.

This pic has nothing to do with walking, but it's too pretty not to post.  Is this a great pose or what?


Strawberry delight!

We went strawberry picking this weekend.  It was fun-ish.  Fun because it was a beautiful day and there were lots of delicious berries and it wasn't too crowded.  Ish because...well, because, pretty much anything you do with two young kids is a lot of work, no matter how fun the activity!

It's kind of embarrassing but we don't have any pics of Rhys.  He was being somewhat annoying and whiny so we sent him off to other parts of the field to find the "really good berries."

Group photos

Brian and I pretty good about taking lots pics of the kids but we usually find it nearly impossible to get them both in a shot.  Fortunately, Katie's got it figured out.  Check out her handy work:

This selfie is about the best I've been able to manage as of late...and it's not even both kids!  Getting 3 of the 4 family members felt victorious nonetheless.

Free Little Library

At the end of our block, there is a "free little library."  For those unfamiliar with the concept, it's a small structure that facilitates the informal exchange of books within a neighborhood.

This weekend we let Rhys ride his bike to it all by himself.  (Remember, it's just at the end of our block.  But, yes, we did debate whether or not someone may call CPS on us for allowing this expression of independence).  When he returned he had this book:

So hilarious!!  I think we'll save it for him for his teenage years.