Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Happy Birthday, Lorelei

It is almost 11pm - WAY past my bedtime.  But, I couldn't let this day pass without at least a short post.  More to come later, but for now...
Dear Lorelei,

Happy birthday my precious girl!  You are such a wonderful, perfect addition to (and completion of) our family.  We are so, so lucky to have you in our lives.  You've healed me in more ways than you'll ever know.  My relationship with you means so much to me.  I love you.



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Life is Good

I am not afraid to complain about motherhood, as I think you all well know.  But at the moment, I have no complaints.  Well, a couple maybe, but generally life right now is really good.

A random assortment of happy things...

1.  Lorelei is walking!  Not consistently and not a lot, but she put together a nine step walk tonight, so I think that makes her a walker. This video is not of that walk, but it'll give you a flavor of what we saw.  (Oh, the headstand thing at the end?  She does that all the time.  Why?  Pretty sure she's imitating her big bro.  See #4).

Many people say that mobility is "highly overrated" but I love it.  I am excited to move on from the baby stage as it is simply not my favorite.

She's even better with her walker.  We made it all the way around the block the other day.

2.  Brian got me a salad spinner for Mother's Day.  This may sound like a bad thing, but it's actually awesome.  We got a salad spinner for our wedding and I used it pretty much every day to store greens in the fridge.  It always annoyed Brian because it was big and bulky and took up a lot of shelf space (read: got in the way of his beer), so he wasn't too sad (read: was thrilled) when it broke and I tossed it out.  So, imagine my surprise and delight when he got me a new one.  I think giving me something that I love that he kind of hates is so sweet!

3.  Rhys hasn't been shithead and, in fact, has been pretty fun to hang out with.  I really hope I'm not jinxing us, but he's just been a really cool little kid lately.  There's nothing specific - just a bunch of different stuff.  He's taking swimming lessons and is really into it, so it's very fun to watch him.  He's figured out the concept of making people laugh, so he tries to be funny a lot which is, in fact, hilarious.  He's getting more and more articulate.  He told me today that he doesn't like hugging me when I have wet hair.  Of course I didn't like being told that he didn't want to hug me, but I was so happy that he could say why.  Here's a good pic of him from when he, Katie and Lorelei went hiking in Seward Park.

4.  Lorelei and Rhys are starting to play together.  This is the THE BEST.  Now, do they play perfect and nice all of the time?  No, no they do not.  But, for two young kids it's pretty darn good.  And, what I really love, is how much they love each other.  Rhys totally adores Lorelei and is a doting big brother.  Lorelei squeals with delight whenever she sees Rhys.  It's fantastic.

5.  Sleep is good.  I should have put this first since, really, it's what makes everything in life better.  Is Rhys really having less dramatic tantrums or am I just better able to handle them now since I am consistently getting a decent amount of sleep?  I'm guessing it's a lot of the latter.

Brian took both kids out for a walk on Sunday and I took a 1.5 hour nap.  Awesome.  Here are some pics from their outing.

6.  Beautiful, popsicle-worthy weather.  The weather has been gorgeous which, as with sleep, just makes everything in life better.  Katie made some yummy popsicles to enjoy in the sunshine.

Rhys' smile almost shows how much he enjoyed the treat.  The kid is a bottomless pit and he just loves food - all of it.  At dinner he got mad at me because I gave Lorelei more broccoli than him.  And, before we finished the popsicle he was already asking for another one.  Not bad considering they are made of coconut milk, berries and dates.  

Alright, I am off to bed for more delicious sleep!