Saturday, May 24, 2014

Driving the Big Rig

Our normal Saturday walk took a detour and we found the coolest thing ever - a backhoe!  For our little man, it just doesn't get much better than that.

He's still wearing his bike helmet as he couldn't be bothered to take the time remove it.  The backhoe needed to be driven now!
Dada as supervisor.
Rhys' version of a "picture smile."  Never fails to crack me up.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

45 Years!

Happy anniversary John and Mary Pat!  Forty-five years.  Pretty freakin' cool.  After a lovely family lunch celebrating the happy couple, Brian and I requested a photo shoot as we were wanting some nice new family shots for our walls.  Below are some of the winners...and "outtakes." 

When you ask Rhys to smile, this is what you get.  He actually has a very cute smile, but he can't seem to create it on demand.

Clearly, one of the "winner" photos!

Our kid isn't the only one who prefers a "non-traditional" smile/pose in pictures.

Winner!  We'll take it.

The bride and groom.

A girl and her beloved grandparents.

Cousins!  Rhys adores Norah.  They had a grand ol' time.

Keeping Rhys in his place.  Not really, just good old fashioned chasing that ended a little poorly for Rhys.

Uncle Pat, I know a great chiropractor if you need one.

A great family shot and I absolutely love the kids' faces.  Couldn't be more perfect.

37 Weeks

Nature's design is quite amazing.  Throughout my pregnancy I haven't been particularly excited about having a newborn around, but I am now getting big and uncomfortable enough that it's starting to sound appealing.  There's a small voice in my head that keeps reminding me how easy I have it now compared to what I'll feel like when the little lady arrives, but I'm sure even that voice will be completely drowned out in the next two weeks as my girth continues to expand.  Score one for Mother Nature. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Rhys' Week in Review

Katie sent us some great videos/pics this past week.  Enjoy!

Another haircut.  We've switched from the super-expensive kid friendly place to Great Clips.  As long as Rhys has his trusty iPhone, he does fine.  The cut is a bit short, in my opinion, but his hair grows fast.  Maybe next time we'll do a mohawk.

Katie organized a play date with a friend of hers who has a two-year-old and a baby.  Rhys does not look like he's enjoying feeding the baby, but that's just his picture face.  Apparently he loved it!  Didn't want Katie's help at all.

And this video is just darn cute.  There's not much more to say about it.