Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hiya Mama, Hiya Dada

Having a nanny is great for so many reasons.  Getting video texts like this while at work is one of them.

I have no idea what that face at the end is all about...but it's totally Rhys.  From laughing to frowning in less than a second.

I can tell you that he was not frowning about his shirt.  He has two motorcycle shirts and he asks to wear one of them EVERY day.  He just really, really loves motorcycles.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


We've gotten a few scholarship offers so far (Stanford, Harvard) and I'm sure more are coming.

Credit to Auntie Audrey for the film.  Isn't it crazy how often she randomly shows up in these parts and takes great pics and videos of our kid?